Cloud Implementation Readiness

When you purchase Software as a Service (SaaS), the fees normally begin immediately or shortly after you’ve signed the contract, even though the service has not yet been implemented. If you’re not prepared, implementation can take longer than anticipated. In a typical cloud ERP implementation for HR/payroll and finance, a conservative project burn rate for software and services can run between $180,000 to $200,000 per month – or between $45,000 to $50,000 per week. Delays of only a few weeks can cause significant project overruns. Download the whitepaper to learn how proper planning can keep your cloud project on schedule, achieve project objectives, and realize project benefits.

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cloud implementation readiness

What You Need to Know

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Making the Case for Change

Watch this video to discover the real drivers behind successful change management in higher education! Join Avaap’s customers as they reveal why change management was the key to their project success and share the valuable lessons they learned throughout their...

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