8 Things to Ask When Replacing Your Healthcare ERP Solution

The capabilities and functionality gaps between older and current versions of ERP solutions for healthcare can create a problem that many organizations are slow to fix. If you have a legacy system in place that’s more than seven years old, chances are your ERP is not keeping pace with the latest technology advances or healthcare-specific requirements.

An ERP investment can have the greatest significant impact on your operations and patient care. Read this white paper to learn if its time to consider a new ERP solution and what you need to know.

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8 things to ask when replacing your ERP solution

What You Need to Know

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White Papers

Workday vs. Ellucian: Unpacking Integration Capabilities

Curious about how Workday’s Integration capabilities stack up against Ellucian’s solutions? Or wondering which pre-built integrations Workday and Avaap offers to seamlessly connect with the third-party products your institution relies on? This is the session you’ve been waiting for! Dive...

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